Written By: Shaun Bolden
Photography By: Shay Bolden
*Opening Scene Beanpie is in his room looking around and thinking hard
Beanpie (to self): This doesn’t make any sense. I know someone is behind this, but who? I know that it couldn’t be Lisa, and Ice Juicy could care less about my stuff. I have to find out who is behind all of the nonsense. Right now everyone is a suspect.
*Scene 2 Beanpie is in his room sulking/thinking when Tailgate comes in.
Tailgate: What’s the matter oh King of Hustlers?
Beanpie: Not right now little goat, I have to find out who is stealing all of my goods.
Tailgate: You honestly think there is one mastermind out there trying to take all that YOU have? I think not.
Beanpie: I know there is. Every single time that I create something, it gets stolen. Don’t you find that a bit odd?
Tailgate: Well, now that you mention it, it does seem a bit fishy. Why would someone want to take your idiotic ideas?
Beanpie: Exactly…..wait a minute, my ideas are not idiotic, if they were would anyone try to steal them?
Tailgate: Whatever. If someone is trying to steal your stuff, why don’t you set them up?
Beanpie: Alright, that sounds good, but how do you suggest I go about doing that?
Tailgate: Make something, and just run your mouth like you usually do, then set up a trap for whoever tries to steal it.
Beanpie: That is exactly what I need to do. I knew you spider monkeys would come in handy one day.
Tailgate: Yeah right, I just don’t understand how primates can even find the bathroom, let alone invent something. By the way, Geico called and said they need you for another commercial shoot.
Beanpie: Very funny, now move so I can get ready to set this trap.
*Tailgate leaves and Beanpie gets ready to go out and set the trap up.
*Scene 3 Beanpie is walking to the store when he runs into Shaun
Beanpie: Hey Ice Juicy, my main govy. What’s going on?
Shaun: My name is…..forget it. It’s just another day at work.
Beanpie: I have my idea for my next sham.
Shaun: Oh brother, what stupidity did you come up with this time?
Beanpie: Well mate, I this time I have come up with the ultimate gardening product.
Shaun: And what might that be?
Beanpie: Well, you know how the plant food nowadays is so expensive?
Shaun: So
Beanpie: I have come up with an inexpensive way to grow your plants.
Shaun: Is this the part where I jump for joy?
Beanpie: Whatever Ice Juicy, I’m just informing you of my new product
Shaun: Well Randolph, I am just informing you that my name is Shaun and I could care less about a gardening product. I have work to do, so I will be on my way.
Beanpie: Alright. The solution will be done tonight, and I will leave it in my basement when I’m done.
Shaun: You told me that because?
Beanpie: No reason. See ya.
*Beanpie continues walking down the street
Beanpie (to self): Hmmmm, trying to act like he doesn’t care. I think he may just be acting to avoid being a suspect. Now to let Lisa in on my newest invention
*Beanpie calls Lisa at work
Lisa: Hello
Beanpie: Hey love, how are you today?
Lisa: I’m fine, and what do you want?
Beanpie: Hahaha very funny, I don’t want a thing love. Just calling to fill you in on the newest invention.
Lisa: Can’t this wait until I get home?
Beanpie: I really wanted to tell you. I am making a new plant food that will be inexpensive and great for your garden.
Lisa: Is that it?
Beanpie: No, I will be leaving it in the basement tonight. Okay?
Lisa: Alrighty then, I have to go and do some real work now. Bye-bye Randolph
Beanpie: It’s Beanpie, and goodbye love.
*Beanpie hangs up the phone
Beanpie (to self): Alright, now Lisa knows too. All the pieces are in place.
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