Written By: Shaun Bolden
Photography By: Shay Bolden
Scene 4: Beanpie is back home putting together his recipe for dog food when Lisa walks into the house
Lisa: Hey Ran….I mean Beanpie
Beanpie: Hey love, how was work today?
Lisa: The same ol crap, some guys argued over a lady at work today. They both want to go out with her and both are scared to ask, but they seem to have worked up a way to argue about her.
Beanpie: She must be one sexy piece of……I mean she must be a nice looking woman
Lisa: Ha! If they knew like I knew, they’d leave her alone
Beanpie: And what is it that you know?
Lisa: I know that this particular woman pees standing up.
Beanpie: Are you saying these guys had a fight over a guy?
Lisa: I feel sorry for the winner.
Beanpie: I’m glad it’s not me. Anyway, I am making that dog food I was telling you about earlier.
Lisa: I really do not believe you are making dog food. I mean normal people cook and sell plates out of their house. Maybe even icees, but who sells dog food?
Beanpie: Exactly. No one has had an idea like this. And I am using organic ingredients. This will make us rich baby.
Lisa: And if it doesn’t will you then get a job?
Beanpie: Ha, like my idea can fail.
Lisa: Speaking of fail, did anything ever come of that little Tea-Bust the other day?
Beanpie: Nothing, I called the Police and they say they know nothing about it. It’s weird I tell you.
Lisa: Well I’m gonna take a shower, are we still on for the movies tonight?
Beanpie: Yup, I’m almost done here anyway. Let me put this in the shed for the night.
Scene 5: Beanpie is outside putting his dog food in the shed, when all of the sudden he is hit in the neck. He wakes up spread out on the lawn, and Lisa is standing over him.
Lisa: Babe, why are you out here asleep?
Beanpie: I have no clue. I was putting the dog food away, and then I woke up here.
Lisa: What is that on your neck?
*He rubs the back of his neck
Beanpie: Ow, I have no idea what happened
Lisa: It looks like you got hit.
Beanpie: What the….why would I get hit?
Lisa: I don’t know. Who have you pissed off lately?
Beanpie: No one that I know of.
Lisa: Well, I’m going back in, come with me so we can clean you up.
Beanpie: OK
*Beanpie walks over to where the dog food was and sees that it’s gone.
Beanpie (to self): This can not be happening. How is my dog food gone?! Who in the world would want to take dog food? Who was the only one around? Lisa?! No! She was the only one around. She knew where I was going to put my dog food. I have to keep a close eye on her.
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