"The Misfits"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Easy It Is To Recover (Thoughtful Thursday by Donald Mitchell)

Being an recovering undercover over love, Erykah seems to think is a hard task to overcome. So much that she lists a whole slew of things that she would do for the one she loves, even though she knows he doesn't feel the same about her.

This song poses very deep and thought-provoking questions: exactly how far do you go for the one you love? Is it worth you losing your sanity over? And if so, exactly how far into the realm of insanity do you go before you say enough is enough? And most importantly (at least to me): what makes this person the one that is worthy of you losing your sanity?

Erykah says that because she's trying to recover from this love, that it's too much for the brain, all the while, it's not enough to make her leave him alone. She says she would

And I’d lie for you
I’d cry for you
I’d pop for you
I’d break for you
And hate for you
And I’ll hate you too
If you want me too
I gotta do

That's deep. What's even more is that this person is someone that she's shared her love, innermost secrets, and even her living quarters with. And after all of this, the dude wants someone else...after all that she's said she would do for this dude, he wants someone else. That's gotta hurt somethin awful.

But even through all of that, she still is speaking highly of the man...all because she can't let go. Or is it that she doesn't WANT to let him go. I think it's a combination of both, although it probably falls moreso on she doesn't want vs. she can't. But honestly, let's think about that. Doesn't it always end up that way?

So how do you deal with the madness surrounding being an undercover overlover? Speak your mind readers!

Be peace.

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