"The Misfits"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Never Lose "Hope"!

A Day of Hope:
The Convoy of Hope

Written by: Kenneth-Michael

The location was Clifton Park in East Baltimore; the time was 10 a.m., with the mission to bring the surrounding churches of Maryland together in an effort to give spiritual relief and support to the people of Baltimore; and the event: The Convoy of Hope. The skies gave way to a bright and dry day without a drop of rain in sight, although with muddy grounds thanks to three days of rain leading up to the event.

Carnival-sized tents cover the park, as three freight trucks painted with the American flag and the words “Convoy of Hope” printed on the side line the streets. As a human chain of volunteers from over 80 different churches, all wearing t-shirts with the words HOPE printed on the front, unload as many as 5,000 bags of groceries from the massive trucks, folks of all age groups await to enter the park for a full day of free food, health screenings, music, makeovers, and assurance that God does answer prayers.

To see the full article of "Hope".. click the link below:


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