Written by Shaun Bolden
Scene 4: Beanpie is in his basement putting the fertilizer away when Tailgate and Jamie come down.
Jamie: What is that smell?
Tailgate: Beanpie the bathroom is upstairs, you are entirely too old to have accidents.
Beanpie: Shutup, I am here working on an idea to make my self rich.
Tailgate: Smells like you’re trying to become an outcast.
Jamie: I came here to say thanks Beanpie.
Beanpie: For what?
Jamie: For getting my brother out of the house.
Beanpie: No problemo.
Tailgate: That’s what you say now, but you don’t know Tony.
Beanpie: What do you mean?
Jamie: He is not the easiest person to get along with.
Tailgate: He complains about everything. I guess it’s sort of like having you around, only a bit more whining.
Beanpie: Really, why didn’t you tell me then?
Jamie: I didn’t know you were hiring, let alone hiring my brother.
Tailgate: And now you’re stuck with him.
Beanpie: With my merchandise, he’ll want to work for me forever. This stuff is gonna sell like hotcakes. And I even went downtown and found a spot to sell my things.
Tailgate: Did you ever get those engines for that raggedy cart of yours?
Beanpie: They’re supposed to be here tomorrow.
Tailgate: Let me know when you hook it up. I can’t wait to see my brother “Speed Racer” doing two miles an hour with a push cart full of bootleg ideas.
*Jamie and Tailgate laugh as they go upstairs.
Scene 5: Beanpie puts all of his stuff away, and gets ready for the next day. He is back in bed thinking about what is going to happen with his cart, and with Tony.
Beanpie (to self): Man, I hope this guy doesn’t turn out to be a load of trouble. I don’t need anymore setbacks. This will be a very bad thing if he turns out to be a hassle. I should be getting my engines tomorrow too. Once I get that thing rolling it’s off to take over downtown. Beanpie will definitely be a household name.
*Lisa walks into the bedroom and lies down beside Beanpie.
Lisa: So I see you are ready to hit the street.
Beanpie: It’s time for my success to begin love.
Lisa: Is that right?
Beanpie: Think about it. I just got my stuff back in dramatic fashion. This is where I go off and sell things like a maniac now.
Lisa: It would work that way if this were a movie, unfortunately for you it’s not. What do you plan on doing about security?
Beanpie: What do you mean by that?
Lisa: You did just get robbed. If that were someone like myself, protecting that raggedy cart would be my first priority.
Beanpie: I already covered that.
Lisa: I hope you’re not talking about that old button lock that I popped on my way in here.
*Beanpie jumps out of bed to check the cart.
Beanpie (to self): I guess I do need to bulk up on the security system. Especially if I don’t want my merchandise to disappear…..again.
*Beanpie heads back to bed thinking about how he can tighten up the protection for his cart.
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