Opening Scene: Beanpie is outside working on his cart again as he waits for both his engines to come in and Tony to come help him out.
Beanpie (to self): Yup, I’m putting these touches on for a bit of insurance, and now all I have to do is wait for these engines to come in. Then I’ll drop them in, and wait on Tony.
*Just then Shaun walks up.
Shaun: You’re really serious about pushing a cart downtown to sell your stuff.
Beanpie: You know it mate, and now I have help to do it.
Shaun: Someone agreed to help you?
Beanpie: Yeah, Jamie’s brother Tony did.
Shaun: Good luck to him. Have those engines come in yet?
Beanpie: Nope not yet, but all I have to do drop them in and my first day of selling will begin.
Shaun: Do you even know where you’re going to go once you get there?
Beanpie: Yeah, I went down there and found a nice spot.
Shaun: Man, I can’t wait to hear the stories……I think your engines are here.
*The delivery truck pulls up and drops the engines off to Beanpie.
Beanpie: Alright mate, I’m gonna drop these bad boys in, and be on my way.
Shaun: Aight man, be safe out there. We don’t want you to get cart-jacked downtown.
Beanpie: Take it easy Ice Juicy
Shaun (mumbles): I hate that name.
Scene 2: MONDAY-Beanpie gets to work on the cart and hooks the engines up. Once he’s finished he looks at his watch, and it reads 10:30AM
Beanpie (to self): Okay it’s his first day, he must be running late. No worries, I’ll just go take a shower and clean up a bit.
*Beanpie takes a shower, and changes his clothes. Then he heads back outside, and again looks at his watch, which now read 11:00AM
Beanpie (to self): Aw c’mon Tony, this is your first day and you’re late.
*Beanpie goes inside and watches some TV while waiting, then his doorbell rings. Beanpie opens the door and sees that it is Tony.
Beanpie: Man do you have an idea of what bloody time it is?
Tony: Not really.
Beanpie: It is 12 noon.
Tony: Good time for lunch, I’ll be back in an hour.
*Tony turns around and walks back home, while Beanpie stands at the door with his mouth wide open. Once he comes to his senses, he plops back down to watch TV. His doorbell rings again, and he sees that it is Tony. He looks down at his watch and it is now 2 PM.
Beanpie: Okay, we have to work on this time thing, but first we need to get downtown. I have missed a half days profit already.
Tony: Alright, let’s get this show on the road.
*They go to the cart, and Beanpie starts it up.
Tony: You have a motorized cart?
Beanpie: Of course, it would be too heavy to roll downtown and back everyday.
Tony: I will be walking ahead of you for this one.
Beanpie: Suit yourself, but there is always an opportunity for you to drive.
Tony: You think I want to drive this piece of crap?
Beanpie: I know you do, I could see it in you eyes.
*Beanpie and Tony are halfway to their destination when all of the sudden the cart starts to rattle, and two of the wheels fall off.
Tony (laughing): Man, this day just keeps getting better……what are you going to do now?
Beanpie: This is a serious matter.
*Beanpie pulls out his cell phone and calls Shaun. About a half an hour later Shaun pulls up in his mail truck.
Shaun: I swear, you are lucky that I like you.
Beanpie: Thanks govy, I just need you to pull me back to my house.
Shaun: I should charge you for my services. Is that Tony?
Beanpie: Yeah, Ice Juicy, this is Tony. Tony this is Ice Juicy.
*They shake hands
Shaun: My name is Shaun. Good luck with this guy.
Tony: I am just enjoying the laughs. I never saw anyone literally ride something until the wheels fell off.
*Shaun hooks the cart up to his truck and pulls it back to Beanpie’s house.
Scene 3: TUESDAY-Beanpie is up early fixing the tires on his cart. He then looks at his watch and notices that it is 11AM, and again no sign of Tony. He gets ready for the day, and at noon Tony shows up, and then turns around to enjoy lunch. Once again they hit the road at 2PM.
Beanpie: Don’t you start your day before noon?
Tony: Of course, I have to pee then go back to bed.
Beanpie: That sounds rather unproductive.
Tony: Hey, if it ain’t broke……
Beanpie: Riiiiiight. I was thinking, I need a name for the cart. Got any suggestions?
Tony: Sorry, fresh out.
Beanpie: What do you think about, “Trolley Folly”?
Tony: For real, what is your suggestion?
Beanpie: How about, “Money on the Move”?
Tony: That sounds like a movie gone totally wrong.
Beanpie: I got it!!!!
Tony: I hope this is something decent.
Beanpie: “Cart Wheels”.
*Tony gives Beanpie the blankest of stares, and then just shakes his head.
Beanpie: I have to paint it on tomorrow.
Tony: Did you feel that?
*Tony looks at his hand and notices that it has begun to drizzle.
Tony: I think we should pack it up, you need a cover for the cart and it is about to pour.
Beanpie: This is just a light drizzle, it will pass.
*Just then it begins to pour. Tony gives Beanpie an, “I told you so” look as they turn around and go home.
Hello, my name is Shaun Bolden, and I am the writer of Beanpie: The Bootleg Hustler. I want to make a correction. This is actually Volume 12 Episode 1. In my carelessness, I forgot to change the title. I thank you the reader for noticing, and it won't happen again.....I hope! Do you have your "I AM BEANPIE" shirt yet? If not check out http://beanpiepromotions.com to get one!