Written by Shaun Bolden
Opening Scene: Beanpie is back in his bed pondering a way to make his push cart work, finish his newest sham, and find out where Lisa works.
Beanpie (to self): All of these things running through my head. I need to stay focused. My first course of action will be to finish up my fertilizer, and then I have to get my cart up and running. That reminds me, what should I name it…….oh yes and I must find out what Lisa does for a living. It never really bothered me until now. Now, I have all of the soil, I just need to mix it up, let it set, then bag it. I need to find a new store to get my material from.
Scene 2: Beanpie is walking downtown, checking out the area, and looking for a store. He looks at the vendors out there and also notices the street performers. People are out, buying things, and watching the performers. He stops at a local store to look for bags. He walks into the store a likes what he sees. He picks up a few things then heads to the register.
Clerk: Is that all?
Beanpie: Yeah that’s it. Can I ask you a question?
Clerk: Go right ahead.
Beanpie: Is it always this busy down here?
Clerk: Ha, this is a slow day. We have all types of customers in this area.
Beanpie: Really?
Clerk: Yup, I’ve been here at this store for 20 years myself. I know the people around here and they know me. My name is Hank by the way.
Beanpie: They call me Beanpie, nice to meet you. So how do you manage to stay in one spot for such a long time?
Hank: The secret is help. You can’t run a business alone. You need to have people you can trust helping you out.
Beanpie: That is some good advice, thanks Hank.
Hank: Well, here’s your stuff. I hope to see you again.
*Beanpie leaves and looks over the area.
Beanpie (to self): Yeah, this is the spot for me. Right here, I can make a killing out here.
Scene 3: Beanpie is back at home and is thinking about what Hank said to him.
Beanpie (to self): Man I have to find a partner. All of my trustworthy mates are working already, but I do need some help loading unloading, moving things around, and what about when I have to go to the bathroom. I need to find a partner. Who would be the best choice?
*Beanpie starts thinking and remembers the conversation he had with Jamie.
Beanpie (to self): That’s it, I can ask Tony to help me out. It will only be for a little while, and it will be something until he finds a job. That’s what I’ll do, I’ll call him and ask. The worst he could say is no.
*Beanpie calls Tony to ask him if he wants to work
Tony: NO!!!! There is no way I am going to be outside of a push cart hustling some bootleg merchandise.
Beanpie: Listen mate, these items are top notch.
Tony: I don’t care.
Beanpie: We’ll be downtown, where everyone is.
Tony: That is the main reason I do not want any part of this.
Beanpie: There are lots of pretty women out there
Tony: ………
Beanpie: I knew you’d be interested in that. And if you find a job in the meantime, you can leave.
Tony: I guess it’ll give me something to do, and I will be using you as a reference.
Beanpie: Fine with me. Wanna meet me here tomorrow around 10ish?
Tony: Alright then.
*Beanpie hangs up, and is very happy with the outcome of that.
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