Photography By: Edith Williams of Diamond Digital Portraits
I had the unique opportunity to sit down and chat with Lydia Caesar before she performed at Gypsy Soul's "Ear Candy", an musical event which all of you EYM Misfits should be familiar with. We talked about her music and her life. Her addictive energy pulled me in but it was definitely her humble spirit that made me even more of a fan. Read on to find out a little more about this beautiful songstress.
ETM: Your genre is self identified as “Rock&B”. Describe in three words the “Rock&B” sound?
LC: I would say…and this may be cheating (laughs). Its Rock-Rhythm-Blues!
ETM: In the past you have worked eXtensively in musical theater. Do you see yourself returning to the stage in the future?
LC: Absolutely! I would love to be on the Broadway stage. Actually I would love to be on any stage.
I do a lot; I act, I have an accessories line. There’s a lot going on, but I find that as an artist you can spread yourself too thin trying to do everything at one time. My main focus is on my music right now, and when I get to a place where I’m happy with that, I feel like one hand will wash the other and doors will open.
ETM: Your sense of style is very eclectic. Do you think your personality on stage mirror your sense your style and personality in your day to day life?
LC: I do, I do…Honestly its hard for me because I’m so colorful on a regular day. Sometimes I don’t want to look the way I look everyday on the streets, on stage. My mom will say all the time on a regular day, “Where are you going?!”, but that’s just the way I am! So I find myself trying to do more for my look on stage so it doesn’t look the same. Because really its who I am. I’m a colorful person, I’m animated. So even if I didn’t do much I will still be very….who I am.
ETM: What responsibility, if any, do you feel you have to the future of the music industry?
LC: Oh wow, good question….I think I can be responsible for bringing an artistry back to music. I think a lot of times people look to the left and they look to the right to see what other people are doing and they see the mainstream. I know its hard to put blinders on and stay true to your sound. I think that’s what makes artists great, when you believe them. When it doesn’t seem like they are faking. And that’s something I would really love to see more of on a major scale. We see that everyday on the independent side because we have the freedom to do what we want. But also there are many people who are talented on majors [record labels] who don’t get to do what we do. That’s a policy of mine to stick to my guns.
ETM: What keeps you focused as a mother, student, and artist?
LC: I would have to say my relationship with God. It always comes back to that. He keeps me grounded and as focused as I can be.
ETM: If you had to pick one song from your album to describe where you are right now in your life. What would it be and why?
I would say Daughter of a Preacher, that’s because its my bio. If you listen to that song you will know who I am. It tells where I am. Just because I’ve made a song about it shows that I’ve embraced it. It was something that was hard for me growing up but being able to turn it into something that has really shown my growth. I’m at a stage in my life now where I can really own it and love it.
* More information on Lydia Caesar can be found on Facebook/Myspace/Youtube*
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