The Alarming Rate of Gay Students Who Drop Out of School (28%) and the 30% Who Commit Suicide
Written by: Mister Rowan
Sometimes, parents wonder what happens to their children when they leave early in the morning and go off to school. They even wonder why, sometimes, their children are rebellious or even the slightest standoffish. But, on most occasions, parents have endured the same treatment that their children currently are, so what is to be done to alleviate the situation?
Although many families are accepting of their off-spring’s sexual orientation, there are a large amount of families that honestly don’t want anything to do with that person. It’s sad to believe that some large amounts of people believe that a person’s sexual orientation is a choice and it leaves the person to question their own existence. Studies and personal experience prove that people honestly wonder whether their life is a mistake and if the life they live is really the one that was meant for them.
With all the problems of today, there is one that still exists: teenage death and exile. Ask yourself: did you know or were you the person in school that often faced ostracism? If so, then you know exactly how it feels to wonder why you look at the cards you were dealt. How do we change the remarkable numbers that face us today? Studies show that an alarming rate of High School dropouts is owned by 28% of homosexuals. They also show that of all those suicide cases each year, a mass amount of 30% belong to the LGBT community, as well.
Instead of this problem being faced head-on, it’s been shoved under a rug, shunned, and, even worse, not taken seriously. Is it not important that those of the “next generation” are disappearing because of the lack of assurance in their lives? Media plays a major part, as well. This year in California history revealed that hatred rules the courtroom and the decision to allow same-sex marriage was denied. That thought alone just governs the thought of a young man or woman facing a dilemma of wondering whether their life is in vain.
To check out more of this alarming article, click the link below:
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