Written By: Natalie K. Pinkney
Photography By: Edith Williams of Diamond Digital Photography
Jon Bibbs is a talented artist who has so many skills under his belt, it’s true genius that he can keep up with himself. His new album is set for release in early 2010 and is sure to be what his fans have come to know and love about his music.
ETM: You’re a songwriter, singer, producer, and musician. Of all the hats you wear, which is your favorite?
JB: Singing…Definitely. I could be in my room singing and be the happiest person in the world.
ETM: You’ve worked alongside some of music’s most coveted artists. What have you learned from those eXperiences?
JB: Well, I’ll name a couple of people. From Ledisi, I learned a really positive view of what we do and a perseverance. From Chuck Brown, I learned a coolness..a calmness, being in control to realize that everything is going to be all right if you just relaX. From Bilal, I learned creative freedom, to be completely unafraid of any subject or any arrangement. I’m not anywhere near where he is [laughs] but I’m on the road to that path.
ETM: What can fans and new listeners eXpect from the new album?
JB: They can eXpect a lot of stripped down music. There is not going to be a lot of eXcessive production. Really a lot of live instrumentation. Its going to be very light but sincere. Very clean sound for the record.
ETM: Who or what has influenced your music the most?
JB: The 1960’s. I was a history major at Hampton, so that whole decade; creatively, politically, economically, socially. The movements that decade sparked. Even though I wasn’t alive, having studied those periods really resonated with me. That’s one of the reasons why I chose soul music because of that era and what it meant. I love it…I love the 60’s.
ETM: What advice would you give an artist coming from a similar background with aspirations to be where you are?
JB: Two things. Number one think less, do more. I spent a lot of time turning wheels in my head making no progress. And I turned the wheels and I stepped out on the plan and I still ended up making mistakes. So I learned I should have just went on my first instinct and even if I would have made a mistake, I would have been making progress earlier. You are going to make mistakes regardless. So don’t be afraid of it, step out there.
Then two, fear not. don’t be afraid. As artists we have a tendency to compare ourselves. The most important thing for us to realize is that the gift we are given is our gift, and our gift alone. No one else will ever be able to sound, sing, write or play eXactly as I do. Because that’s the gift I’ve been given.
ETM: If you had to pick one song from any of your albums to describe where you are in your life right now. What would it be and why?
JB: Liberation from my second record….I wanna be free. In my life I have a great deal of responsibility and sometimes I feel confined by it. I just want to let go! [laughs]
*For more information on Jon Bibbs*
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