Written by: Shaun Bolden
Illustrated by: Dino Diaz
Illustrated by: Dino Diaz
Scene 4: Beanpie is in his kitchen preparing things with Lisa.
Beanpie: What do you think of these shirts? I bought them for everyone helping me.
Lisa: Why do they say, “I AM BEANPIE”?
Beanpie: I want everyone to know who they are getting products from.
Lisa: That’s fine and dandy….for you to wear. What about everyone else?
Beanpie: I guess I should have thought about that one. Oh well, I think they’ll like it.
*Enter Tailgate
Tailgate: Like what?
Beanpie: These new shirts I got for everyone to wear.
Tailgate: I am NOT wearing a shirt that has your name on it.
Beanpie: The only way we can get into the convention is to wear matching uniforms. It was in the letter little brov.
Tailgate: That is retarded!
Beanpie: And look, I even got you an extra-medium. Just they size you like.
Tailgate: You’d better be paying well once I help you out.
Scene 5: It is the day before the Convention and Beanpie has just stocked up on everything he needs. As he is loading the rented truck, Shaun walks by.
Shaun: What is all of this?
Beanpie: It’s for the “New-Sellers” Convention.
Shaun: This thing is really big news. Congrats man, I really am glad to see this going somewhere.
Beanpie: Thanks govy I appreciate it. Say, you want to lend me a hand?
Shaun: You know what? I think I will.
Beanpie: Why do you always say no? It will be nice and easy for you.
Shaun: I said I’ll do it.
Beanpie: Huh? You’ll do it?
Shaun: Sure. I think you may have a chance with this one.
Beanpie: WOW! Man, I really thank you for your help. All you have to do is meet me here at 9AM tomorrow. Then we’ll leave and head to the convention.
Scene 6: It’s Saturday, the day of the convention. Beanpie has all of his things packed and on the truck and waits for everyone to show up.
Tailgate: Who else is coming?
Beanpie: Ice Juicy and Tony.
Tailgate: How did you manage to convince Shaun to come?
Beanpie: I just used my never-fail sales pitch.
Tailgate: If you had one of those, you wouldn’t need to go to this convention.
*There is a knock on the door. It’s Shaun and Tony
Beanpie: The gang’s all here. Let’s get going so we can make it in time for the registration.
*Just then Lisa calls Beanpie on his phone
Beanpie: Hello.
Lisa: Did everyone get there yet?
Beanpie: Yeah. We’re getting ready to leave now.
Lisa: Hey can you wait 2 minutes? I have something for you.
Beanpie: Sure love. We’re all here early anyway.
*Lisa shows up and everyone’s eyes open wide.
Lisa: Hey, I thought Charlene could help you guys out.
Charlene: I hope you guys have room for one more.
Shaun: Wow, I never expected to see you.
Beanpie: Uh, I guess we do. Let’s get a move on.
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