Ravolution for 2010
Written By: Raven Ekundayo
For 2009 I wanted to work on taking another step toward my freedom from some of the matriX’s that still eXisted in my life. Through much prayer and hard work I was able to eXcape a good amount of them. For that I’m thankful.
In 2009 my company and magazine continued to grow and we have definitely hit our stride with much room to grow. Ccep, luminoUS, EN and ^Northerstar* have handled their areas within the magazine well and have made it easier for me to handle other areas of the Ravolution Multimedia brand. Because of this I was able to work on getting our mission out to even more people. I think we grew more in 2009 than in any other year.
This year I interviewed Cornel West. In starting this online publication I had certain people in mind that I wanted to interview, if you watch the intro to the magazine you will see many of them. Interviewing Brother West was a dream come true and it taught me the power of truly putting positive energy into the universe and what it can get you. In interviewing him I realized the impact this magazine could truly have on the lives of many. We were blessed to have more people than I could possibly name inside of ETM this year and if anything gave me the drive to keep our mission going it was this.

Written by: Ccep J. Dew, West Coast Editor
Photo by: Quill Wordsmith, Marsalis Images
I usually don’t do well with brevity, which is why I usually don’t write good haikus. My two previous Ravolutions were eXtra long, but this one won’t be… because I am changing.
I have been living in fear and doubt, but not anymore. The end of the year is usually depression-filled for me, but not this year. Though I am physically and emotionally drained at the close of this year, I am mentally healthy and spiritually happy… I am changing.
Every December, I choose a quote and phrase that will guide me through the new year. This year, my quote found me on the last page of Instructions for Alchemy. Ingredients of Ether by David “Judah 1” Oliver:
FAITH is a skydive jump.
KNOWLEDGE is ground soon come.
WISDOM is enjoying the fall.
UNDERSTANDING that the fall may kill you.
Written by: luminoUS, Editor-at-Large
Each year, the staff of eXcapethematriX is asked to think of a “Ravolution” for the impending year, but this “Ravolution” has to be one that is realistic to upholding. In 2008, I set out for the following “Ravolution” for the 2009 year, “I will continuously strive to live a healthier lifestyle and invest time in building a family of my own,” and I feel like I’ve kept this “Ravolution” for this year. Although I have not started a family of my own as of yet, I am finding a newfound happiness and respect for dating. Hey, you have to start somewhere, right? I have also tried my best to maintain a healthier lifestyle. This “Ravolution” will carry over into 2010, but I will also add the fact that I will try at all cost to relinquish control. I try so hard to keep everything under wraps and control what isn’t in my power to control, which leaves me burned out and frustrated. For 2010, I will keep the serenity prayer on the tip of my lips and throw up my hands when I feel the need to wrangle a situation. I vow to myself to let things flow and to glide upon the tide of life.
2010 Ravolution:
Chavez’s Ravolution 2010
Written by: ^Northernstar*
Photo by: Quill Wordsmith, Marsalis Images
“Inhale Positivity, Exhale Anxiety” - BeyoncĂ©
A few days ago, I watched the “I Am… Yours” DVD and before BeyoncĂ© & her crew went on stage to perform in front of thousands, they all engaged in a passionate prayer when the diva stated the aforementioned quote. I rewind that part so many times to really allow the quote to marinate in my head. Something so simple was very affective. Life would be so easy if we all could just breathe positivity & let go of any negative energy.
In the past 10-11 months, I’ve had to make the best out of the worst-case scenarios to find out in the end, I am still the winner… I am undefeated. Many people say they are thankful for the great things they are blessed with, but I want to give thanks for all of those bad moments I had to endure. I am truly excited to give my thanks to God & the people in my life who have helped me grow. I can honestly say I've learned the power of forgiveness, the power of unconditional love, the power of harmony, and the power of letting go. I am truly grateful for the trials & tribulations. I feel like I've survived through situations individuals in their 40's are going through now.

New Year… Better Me
Written by: Renee BlackStar
2009 has turned out to be a great year for me, by far my best year yet! Outside of hitting the thirty year marker, I have managed to successfully accomplish many of the goals I set for myself at the start of 08’. I’ve finally found the courage and confidence to get up before a group of strangers and share my creative side. I’ve also effectively put anxiety in my back pocket and proved to myself that I won’t die if I pick up the mic. Score one point for me because I am a sufferer of stage fright, but through my fears I persevered. Score even more points for me because I was able to parlay that new found confidence into finding the nerve to actually sing in front of strangers as well! The idea of which, for me, was even more terrifying than the ladder situation. But, wouldn’t you know it… I’m still alive! On top of that, I got to meet and interview more than a few beautiful and talented people through my work with ETM and by joining other networking groups that work diligently toward the betterment of the people. On the downside though, for the “I don’t know how manyeth time”, I haven’t managed to accomplish the goal of shedding this baby fat I’ve been carrying around for the past six years! HA! I did put forth some effort, but not enough to make a difference. I’m not too hard on myself though. Me and exercise ain’t NEVER been friends! And so, I’ve learned that it’s better for me not to torture myself with New Year’s Resolutions. This next year I plan to just focus on the next level, whatever that may be. Self-improvement is a constant aspiration and I will continue to strive for a better me. Here’s to new beginnings… CHEERS!
To read the entire staff's RAVOlutions, click the link below:
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