Yeah I know it's been a minute since I last posted, but there's been a good reason for this: #1 being that I'm in my hometown and there's no internet connection at the parental units crib. (yeah I'm thievin...but don't tell nobody! lol) But onto the subject at hand...and that's to discuss the music of the moment.
For some reason, Erykah Badu has been on my mind heavy lately. I'm not sure why, because I've never been the biggest E. fan, but there are some of her songs that I get into. To me, she's always been good for the songs where you can sit down with that special boo, pop open a bottle of your favorite wine, listen to her music, and just enjoy the company that you're in. I'm actually gonna discuss my top 4 today...startin with this song:
Now this has been, and will always be my favorite song. She poured her heart and soul into this song, singin about her jealousy for a past love and his current lady. She's caught up in the game, and she can't leave. I've been there before and it's not a nice sight. But then again, ain't nothin you can do about it but wipe up your feelings and move on to the next one.
Next up:
I think it was one of my Twitter friends who put this song in my head (and if it was then *shakin fist at you*), but in a way, I'm glad they did. I didn't realize how tight this song is...and I had to go back and revisit it. Now that I've done so, this song has bumped itself into the #2 spot of my faves of Erykah. Hailing from her second CD "Mama's Gun", this was one of many bangers from this CD. I think that Erykah's best work was done on her first 2 CDs. Honestly, she lost some of her touch after Mama's Gun. Don't get me wrong, the ones after MG was ok to good, but not on the levels of Baduizm and MG.
Now let's move to my favorite song from Baduizm:
Have you ever had that one person that you was really feelin, but have the strangest idea that you two won't ever make it to that level? This is what E was singin about in this song. Now she's involved in a relationship, but she's really diggin this other dude. So because she can't get with dude, she says that they'll be together...next lifetime. Hopefully it'll work out for them next time when they are butterflies. LOL
And last but not least, This wasn't on any one CD, yet a soundtrack, but it definitely makes it onto my list.
This was around the time that Erykah was messin with Common (and even though she had him all kinds of open....but I digress..lol). But this was a very fun song, and this is a good dance song in the club, or even in the privacy of your own home. All I'ma say is quit frontin like the one you with ain't the one that you lovin on day in and day out. E didn't.
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