"The Misfits"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Beanpie – Volume 13 Episode 2: Downtown

Written by Shaun Bolden

Scene 3: Beanpie and Tony continue to move around and get kicked out of numerous spots. They find themselves outside of Hank’s store.

: I guess we’ll have to set up here.
Tony: In front of a store?
Beanpie: This is the only spot we can take without being harassed. Just let me go and check with the owner to see if it is alright.
Tony: Do you know him?
Beanpie: Yeah I met him once, he’s a cool guy. Just stay with the cart for a minute, I’ll be right back.

*Beanpie goes inside the store and finds Hank.

Hank: Hey, it’s Bean curd.
Beanpie: It’s Beanpie, how are you Mr. Hank?
Hank: Oh you know, just doing the same thing I’ve been doing. Is that your cart out there?
Beanpie: We tried to go to the Green and it didn’t work out.
Hank(chuckling): Oh, you must have met Hank the Hawker.
Beanpie: Unfortunately I did. He is not a nice guy.
Hank: Trust me you do not want to get involved with him or any of his buddies. They are all bad business.
Beanpie: So I’ve been told. Hey is it alright if we set our cart up outside of your store?Hank: Fine with me, I am always willing to help an honest vendor.
Beanpie: Thanks mate.
Hank: If you guys ever need to go to the bathroom, which I assume you will, feel free to use the one in the back.
Beanpie: Thanks mate, I want to introduce you to someone as well.

*Beanpie runs outside and gets Tony.

Beanpie: Mr. Hank, this is Tony. Tony, meet Mr. Hank.
Tony: Nice to meet you, I hear you have been here for 20 years.
Hank: Yes I have, and it is all about keeping a good relationship with those around you.
Tony: It was nice to meet you. Now I have to go back outside and guard the cart.
Hank: Take care. (turns to Beanpie) I see you found yourself a partner.
Beanpie: Well, it’s not so much a partner, but we are working together. Though he is not always on time, I do trust him.
Hank: That is the most important thing. So, go ahead and start selling.
Beanpie: Thanks Mr. Hank.

Scene 4: Beanpie and Tony are outside, and as people pass nobody seems very interested in what he has to offer.

Beanpie: This is not going according to plan. I have not sold a thing and we’ve been here for 2 hours.
Tony: I agree, this is definitely not a good sign.
Beanpie: This thing just takes time. Give it a chance.

*Beanpie and Tony stay for 2 more hours, and still nothing. Mr. Hank comes out and locks up his store.

Hank: Hey the young boys are still out here. How’d the day go?
Beanpie: Hey Mr. Hank, we were successful in retaining all of our merchandise today.
Tony: Yeah the closest we came to making a sale was someone asking for directions.
Hank: Don’t worry, just keep at it, it is never easy in the beginning. You two have a great night.
Beanpie: Yeah we’re going to call it a night ourselves. See you on Monday. I think I’m going to take this weekend to rethink my course of action.
Hank: Alright, see you then.

Scene 5: Beanpie is at home and is really thinking about what went wrong when Lisa comes home.

Lisa: Hey Beanpie, how’d the first official day downtown go for you?
Beanpie: Don’t ask, because it was terrible. We stood out there forever and sold absolutely nothing.
Lisa: Well, not to worry….”If you build it, they will come.”
Beanpie: I know. The stuff I have to offer is great. I am not doubting my products. I just need a way to reach out to people.
Lisa: Ah yes, the power of advertisement.
Beanpie: That is the truth love, anyway I have all weekend to plan something for Monday.
Lisa: Alright. I thought you would want to know that Charlene is adjusting very well to her new job.
Beanpie: Oh yeah? And what exactly would her job be?
Lisa: I am going to hop in the shower. Be out in a bit.

*Beanpie lies on his bed staring at the ceiling.

Beanpie(to self): Man, it seems I am back to square one. I need to come up with a way to get my stuff known. I know this is great stuff, but how do I get everyone else to believe in it?

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