Written by Shaun Bolden
Opening Scene: Beanpie and Tony have made it downtown with their cart and are looking around. They see many vendors on the street as well as street performers.
Beanpie: Here we are Tony. Just look around, there is a lot of money to be made, and I will be on my way to becoming famous!
Tony: We’ll see about that. Where are we going to set up?
Beanpie: I have a spot in mind. It’s right here on the Green. C’mon and I’ll show you.
*Beanpie and Tony bring their cart to a corner Beanpie has picked out.
Beanpie: Here we are, this spot will make us tons of money.
Tony: Do you know this guy?
Beanpie: No, why do you ask?
Tony: Well he is coming straight towards you.
Vendor: What do you think you’re doing on my turf?
Beanpie: Sorry mate, I didn’t know this area was taken.
Vendor: Well now you do so skedaddle.
*Beanpie and Tony move to another part of the Green.
Beanpie: Okay, I don’t see anyone here, I think this place will be just as good.
Tony: I don’t think the woman coming up is going to agree with you.
Vendor: Listen kid, I am not against you selling your products, but I am against you selling your products on my territory.
Tony: Sorry about that Miss, we will find another spot.
*Beanpie and Tony find yet another seemingly empty spot to set up.
Beanpie: This has to be a free spot, they can’t have everything taken here.
Tony: Uh, Beanpie I don’t think we are welcomed to this spot either.
*Tony points to a group of vendors fast approaching, and they have very angry faces.
Lead Vendor: What exactly do you think you’re doing here?
Beanpie: I am just selling my products, just like you.
Lead Vendor(smiling): Well since I can tell you are definitely new to this area, let me give you some advice…….MOVE!!!!!
Tony: Beanpie, I think they’re serious let’s move.
Beanpie: What gives you the right to tell us to move? This is public property.
Vendor 1: Do you know who you’re talking to because I don’t think you do. This here (pointing to the Lead Vendor) is Harry the Hawker. He is the head vendor in this area, and what he says goes. Which means, since he said you go.
Beanpie: Isn’t this Green big enough for all of us?
Harry the Hawker: Listen kid, the Green is for the veterans, newbies get the rough.
*The vendors move in closer and form a circle around Beanpie and Tony.
Beanpie: Okay, we’ll get moving.
Scene 2: Beanpie and Tony are moving away from the Green when they are approached by one of the street performers.
Woman: Hey are you two alright?
Beanpie: Yeah love, don’t worry about us taking your spot we’re just moving along.
Woman: Oh no, I am just here to give you some advice.
Beanpie: Oh yeah, and what is that?
Woman: Never deal with Harry the Hawker. He is a dirty guy and thinks for whatever reason he is feared.
Beanpie: Well with all of those goons he has, I can see why.
Woman: By the way my name is Feva, Feva Mendes.
Beanpie: Feva Mendes you say? That is highly unoriginal.
Feva: Well, that’s my stage name. I am a busker. Who would come out to see Bernadette?
Beanpie: You do have a point. What is a busker?
Feva: It is just another word for street performer.
Beanpie: My name is Beanpie.
Feva: And you said I’m unoriginal. How about your friend here?
Beanpie: Oh that’s Tony. Be a gentleman and introduce yourself.
*Tony stretches his hand out, but no words seem to come out of his mouth. He just stands there with a dumbfounded look on his face.
Feva(smiling): Well Tony it’s nice to meet you too. Hey I perform down in this area, so if you ever need anything don’t be afraid to ask. Be careful of the friends you make around here. The vendors are a very encased group, choosing the wrong clique can be very costly, and that includes much more than you wallet.
Beanpie: Thanks love, I really appreciate that. How often are you out here?
Feva: Wednesday through Sunday, so if you ever need anything just give me a shout. See you guys, I have a show to do.
*Feva goes back to her show and Beanpie turns to Tony.
Beanpie: Would you like to close your mouth mate?
Tony: Huh? Oh, yeah we should be going.
Beanpie: You have a bit of a crush.
Tony: What? Me? No.
Beanpie: You usually have an answer for everything, but you couldn’t spit a word out to save your life. It’s okay, I won’t tell.
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