Written by Shaun Bolden
Scene 3: Beanpie runs upstairs and sees Jamie and Tailgate in the kitchen.
Jamie: Hey Beanpie, you know they closed the store down?
Beanpie: Really? All because of the warehouse thing?
Jamie: Nope, the IRS came in and did a “random audit”. They ceased everything and closed the store for the time being.
Beanpie: In my opinion that is a good thing.
Jamie: Yeah, but my brother thinks otherwise. He is now out of a job.
Tailgate: Which makes going to Jamie’s house even less of an option.
Beanpie: Why would the IRS just pop up randomly at a time like this?
Jamie: I have no clue, but my brother is even more miserable than before.
Beanpie: That does suck. What is he gonna do now?
Jamie: Not sure, he has been looking though.
Beanpie: Hey Tailgate, is that paint still in the shed?
Tailgate: How should I know? I don’t go in there. That’s where you keep your “secret” rubber doll.
Beanpie: I saw you outside with her yesterday, so I thought maybe you would know where the paint was.
Tailgate: That is a shame. Even the blow up doll would rather have me than you. And I don’t know if there is paint out there. Are you still working on that old cart?
Beanpie: Yeah, I’m gonna put my stuff in there and get a spot downtown to sell it.
Tailgate: Well genius I hope you took into consideration the fact that you have to lug it to and fro with all of your heavy merchandise.
*Tailgate and Jamie leave the kitchen
Beanpie(to self): Man I never thought of that. How am I gonna move this thing?
Scene 4: Beanpie is now in his room thinking of how he is going to move the cart around.
Beanpie(to self): Man, I have to find a way to move this cart. I should look on the internet and find a way to move it.
*Beanpie looks up a bunch of ways to move it. He finds a go kart site and decides to use go kart engines to move his push cart.
Beanpie(to self): Man these engines are expensive. This is the best way to go though. I have to convince Lisa to help me out with this one.
Scene 5: Lisa arrives home with her mystery guest.
Lisa(yells): Randolph, come here and meet our guest.
*Beanpie comes into the living room. When he sees the guest he is shocked.
Beanpie: What are you doing here?
Charlene: I know I am that last person you want to see right now, but I helped you out.
Beanpie: Really now? How did you do that? Was it by telling that old geezer what I was making, or was it by milking me for the information?
Charlene: Well, I wouldn’t say I milked you for the info, you ran your mouth every time you came into the store. I didn’t know my uncle was robbing you, and when I found out I told your girlfriend all about it.
Lisa: Yeah, she was the one who called me at the warehouse and told me what was going on, she also told me all about the plan when I ran into her at the store.
Beanpie: So why didn’t you tell me earlier?
Lisa: Well you manage to mess plans up, and things worked out better as you can see this way.
Beanpie: Well, I guess they did. What I want to know is how the IRS got to the store so fast?
Charlene: Well, I was the little birdie that tipped them off about a month ago. I can’t stand the bull my uncle pulls. I had to get away, and now I don’t have to worry about him for a while.
Lisa: I am going to take her to work with me and get her a job.
Beanpie: And what will she be doing?
Lisa: You know, office work.
Beanpie: Well, thanks for the help Charlene, and watch out for the Green Pigeon here.
Lisa: You are this close to me pruning your roses!!!
*Lisa and Charlene head into the kitchen while Beanpie goes back out to work on the cart again.
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