Well, it looks like BeyoncĂ© has created another hit on the broad shoulders of her not so trusting male counterpart. “If I Were a Boy” is a song that gives you a glimpse into a segment of a troubled relationship and what it might feel like if roles were reversed. Granted, we as species don’t necessarily have the best historical track record with our human race counterparts. What if we could spend some time as the opposite sex for a day or an hour? What would come of this event? Let me just say that my feet hurt and I am experiencing some minor lower-back pain at the mere thought of being a woman. I make that statement not to be sexist by any means. That just happens to be the first in a series of thoughts that cross my mind when I think about the concept of being a woman. Ideally, one would think such an experiment would reveal that we are more alike than different; men and women focus our attention in different areas. If I were a girl… I would take copious notes and bring them back with me to the dark side.
The more talking one does ultimately increases the odds of a confrontation with our female friends. If we are talking, we are standing and I am sure that means not making good on some promise we said we would keep. If I were a woman, I am sure I would quickly learn that I talk too much and I just let my actions speak on my behalf. There is also the painful understanding that what I say, as man, and what you hear, as a woman, may not be the same thing. How many “discussions” have you had over the year with the opposite sex only to find out the other heard you correctly, but processed the context in a completely different manner from your intentions? Getting a woman’s point of view would allow me to better dissect how I choose my words when talking to women.
If I were a woman, maybe I would have an understanding of why women tend to be overly emotional in the eyes of men. My male notion of rolling with the punches that life deals you, move on, and get over it may not be a just way of thinking. How much of nature being male or female vs. nurture being brought up to act a certain way factors into the difference of our gender roles? I have been raised to be a problem solver and spiritual head of the house. I strive to be the poster boy that every women would dream to have as her husband. We are not necessarily raised to cry at a whim, lean on someone else for support or be dramatic about how we feel. There may be some marginal opportunity for this as a growth area where men are concerned.
You cannot have a conversation about a women and not think about the greatest emotion of them all; Love. Maybe I would have a clue as to what true love is for the opposite sex absent of one’s physical sense. I will be the first to admit that as a man, I tend to get caught in that trap of falling for physical beauty and loosing focus on the core spirit of the person. There is nothing in this world like the unconditional love a woman can provide her man or child. Women seem to have that innate ability to accept a person as they are physically and mentally. Most women possess that honorable trait of unwaveringly accepting us for our faults while continuing to stand by our side even when we may have embarrassed them the most. Throughout history women have given of themselves until there was nothing left to give. What does that feel like? What does it feel like to work several jobs for your family and you not get a thank you in return? There is nothing like the spirit of a woman. Men on the other hand typically take flight at the first opportunity if the situation does not resolve itself quickly. Maybe as a woman, I would come to understand what true sacrifice is as it pertains to love.
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