Story by: luminoUS
When I was in junior high school, I remember talking to friends about elementary school. Nothing too major; just general questions like, “Which school did you attend?” In response one of them answered that she was home schooled. This concept was very foreign to me. She was White and I figured since I’d never heard of this concept that it only occurred in White families. Sadly, I held that mentality into adulthood until I started seeing the state of the school systems here in Baltimore, Maryland and vowed that if and when I have children, I would home school them.
The more and more I contemplated the idea, the more I began to realize that home schooling transcends races. It is simply composed of concerned parents who will stop at nothing to educate their children in a manner that seems appropriate for them. I set out to gather as much information as possible and I have found out that home schooling is no longer foreign in the Black family structure. All across the world, there are Black families exercising their free-will to educate their children at home.
In the past, Black mothers were generally single parents and that meant that they had to provide for their babies by any means necessary, which also meant a lot of time spent outside of the home. Now, we have Black family structures in which home education is top priority. What the educational system deems as “standard education” is not taken as all that there is and these parents put their heads together when the status quo was not working for them and devised a plan to educate their children on their own. Even though home schooling is done on a parent-to-parent basis, many home educators work together to devise curriculums that will work for their benefit.
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