So here's my question: how far are we willing to go with the one that we truly love? I mean, of course people say that they are willing to do almost anything (and in some cases, anything) for that one special person. So what happens when you have to go farther than where you've been willing to go before? Do you give up? Or do you start from the very beginning?
Chris Brown summed it up right here.....and honestly, I think he's the one who can do this. Because as we all know...he made the mistake. Men (or even women) should learn that relationships can be as a newborn child....you may have to take them gently during the course of them, or more damage than good can come out of them. If you get upset, don't take it out on your spouse...unless they are the cause of your anger/irritation. But even then, that doesn't mean you put their forehead into a window (no matter how much you want to..lol)
But what happens when YOU'RE the cause of the drama that's happening at home? What do you do when your significant other is mad at you? Of course, you're going to want to do whatever you can to make things better...unless you're the type who enjoys the drama. Then you just may do things to make it worse...lol. But for those of us who enjoy peace and quiet at the end of a day, then here comes the time when you want to run as much damage control as possible.
In the case of extreme issues, you may have to crawl. This is when you don't have any other choice....BUT start over, if you want things to get back to how they used to be. I'm not talking about literal crawling on your hands and knees, but just as a baby learns to crawl before they walk, that's what your relationship will have to do as well. In my eyes, this is one step short of being reborn again. This is where you will start to learn that person again (or maybe the first time) and maybe, just maybe, you will actually know the person that you say you love.
Now be careful when crawling...you may get to some rough spots and places that may be hard to get over. But keep on striving, because the more you press on, the more you will learn to crawl to heights unknown...which in turn will make you realize that you're no longer crawling....but walking. Pretty soon, you'll be running before you know what hit you, and you're in that love that you proclaimed at first.
So where do we go from here
With all the fear in our eyes?
And where can love take us now?
We've been so far down, we can still touch the sky
If we crawl 'til we can walk again
Then we'll run until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly until there is no wind
But you can't get to the point of no wind until you determine that you want to
crawl, crawl, crawl
Back to love, yeah
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