Have you ever been in a situation where you've found yourself fighting against the odds & living in fear of what others might say?! Or felt like your decisions was based off the emotions of a loved one?! Or have you ever had good intentions about something, and it goes terribly wrong?! Ask yourself this question... do you base your decisions around yourself or others! Because at the end of the day, you can risk your happiness for someone else & they will NOT do the same for you. They will continue to do the things they want to do regardless.
In India.Arie's song "I Choose"... she expresses how she's tired of feeling guilty by being human & learning life's lessons. Why should we feel ashamed to make decisions for ourselves?! Yeah, we may hurt many people in the process of our decision making, but no matter how good our intentions are, or how honest we can be... someone will always get hurt in the end. As insensitive as it may sound, it's called life, and "I can't live for everybody, I gotta live my life for me".
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