A Generation Obsessed with Perfection, Fame, and Materialistic Things
Written by: Renee BlackStar
Allow me to start off this topic by saying… I think that our society is doomed to be fucked if we continue on this warpath we’ve engaged in with ourselves and with each other. That’s a crass statement, I know, but being straightforward is the simplest way to express how I really feel. It seems as if the air of reason has changed within the last thirty years with regard to our priorities. We have become a society of people that puts the love of “things” and “money” before the welfare of their fellow man and, often times, even themselves.
What has happened to our morals? Why are we bingeing so shamelessly and so unapologetically on vanity, gluttony, and jealousy?
History stands to remind us that we are not the first generation, nor the first civilization for that matter (and probably not the last), to have been ignorant and short-sighted enough to fall prey to the temptations of envy, easy money, beauty, opulence, attention, and the acceptance by others that go along with living a materialistic lifestyle. Most of those guys managed to wipe themselves right off the face of this earth worshipping power and greed. Every generation has its idiots, I suppose. And ours is no exception. Our generation is merrily sinking in to an abyss of shallowness, and it is a very painful thing to watch from a humble perspective.
Now, I know that I am not the only person that sees how overly obsessed people are becoming with perpetuating the illusion of a seemingly effortless and “perfect” image of themselves to the masses. Spending more than half of their income on shit that makes them look good, they forget about putting money away for the future. But, maybe we’ve lost faith in the future, and that’s the reason why we live like there’s no tomorrow. We have lost our respect for life, giving in to all of the vices a human being could have ever possibly given in to, only to lose respect for ourselves, all in the name of perfection. However, the cliché phrase “nobody is perfect” will soon be phased out because, in the future, capturing the ideal of “perfection” will be as simple as having a whole body transplant. That’s right! If you don’t like who you are, just get a new body all together. Yep… that’s the ticket for the train we’re looking to ride on.
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