What's good my people? You know, normally, I'm the one who is good for writing a piece on some music, because that's my life. I am music...music is me. BUT, there comes a point when you've gotta take a stand on other topics that may come into your life. Today, would be one of those days. Today, I am writing to voice my opinion on something so drastic, so serious, so unequivocally saddening, that it even hurts my heart to think about it; yet alone try and write about it.
Last week, the people of Haiti experienced an earthquake like they've never seen before. Buildings were crushed, lives were taken, and those whose lives weren't taken, were ruined. The capital city of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, looked like a former shell of itself...as what was a great city now lies in rubble. Once word of this NATURAL disaster hit the world news, countries all over sent aid and supplies to help out our fellow man in trouble; which is what we're supposed to do, right? Our beloved United States not only sent aid and supplies, but we sent our love, support, prayers and sympathy along with all the tangibles. Wellllllll....one person didn't agree one red cent with what was being done to help out the people of Haiti. Here's why:
Mr. Pat Robertson, evangelist and
Pat, I for one think that YOU may be Satan in human form. Cause if you had the FOGGIEST idea, then you'd realize that the Haitians are one of the most religious countries in the world. Even in the aftermath of the "Big One", they were still walking around singing hymns to God, praising Him for saving their lives. Now if Pat was real, then he wouldn't try to place the negatives, but instead see the positives in the situation. Now here's what's even more funny:
You mean to tell me that now after he's condemned them to being in cohorts with Satan, that now he's "raising money" to help them out? GTFOH. Past times have shown, that YOU, my friend, have used worthy causes to raise money, and the money raised has gone toward your own evil agenda....prime example, he bitched and moaned about the starving kids in Africa; so he raises money for them. Only thing is that money NEVER made it to the kids in Africa, but for the helicopters to take him to keep watch on his diamond mines IN Africa. *smh*
All in all...I think that Pat is full of rubbage, trash, and everything in between. I think that Pat needs to have a hawt plate of go the hell on somewhere with a nice cup of sit the hell down to wash it down. Pat, you have NO couth about yourself, and all the other televangelists (
I think the thing that I hate the most in this situation is that there are people who will blindly follow/believe what he says. Thank God that some of us were equipped with the gift of discernment. It all seems very wolf-in-sheeps-clothing, and I don't like it. None of these evangelical people are perfect, but God IS. Though I DO believe that God reveals things in his own perfect timing, I do not beleive that this man uttered words FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD --> that were devoid of his own biased spin -- thus, backpedalling in order to "help" the Haitians is a PR move. When God did things in the Bible, he was not a respecter of persons, and COMPLETELY handled his business... Whether or not this series of earthquakes was a divine message, I do not know, however, I do not believe that Pat Robertson spoke the TRUTH.